
This is the website of the Pedometrics commission of the International Union of Soil Sciences. Pedometrics is a branch of soil science, and our Commission brings together soil and environmental scientists, who are primarily interested in the use of statistical and mathematical tools to analyze and interpret soil data.

You can now access important information on Pedometrics, look for new jobs, read articles & opinions about various issues and  find information on conferences, events and activities in this website.

Chair (Alexandre Wadoux), vice-Chair (Simone Priori), Webmaster (Ruhollah Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi & Nicolas Saby), and Pedometron editor (Lei Zhang)

Download the Current Issue of Pedometron May 2024 !

The Pedometrics 2026.

DSM conference South Africa – June-July 2027 – Skukuza – Kruger National Park