Pedometrics 2013: the updated programs
Pedometrics 2013 Workshop Schedule Pedometrics 2013 Conference Program Pedometrics 2013 Book of Abstracts
Pedometrics 2013 Workshop Schedule Pedometrics 2013 Conference Program Pedometrics 2013 Book of Abstracts
Dear Fellow Pedometricians, Due to the large number of nominated papers for you to go through, we decided to extend the deadline for voting to Aug. 25th. Attached is again the list of the nominated papers...
2010 Nominated Papers Nominator(s) Haskard, K.A., Lark, R.M., 2010. Spectral tempering to model non-stationary variation of soil properties: Sensitivity to the initial stationary model. Geoderma 159 (3-4): 350-357. Dominique Arrouays Yang, L., F. Sherif,...
Dear Colleagues, This message is a call for nominations for best papers in Pedometrics for 2010, 2011, and 2012. Please submit your nominations to ALL of the three email addresses: (A-Xing Zhu) (Dick Brus)...
Pedometrics goes to the Tropics! Call for Papers Pedometrics Conference 2013 Nairobi, Kenya 26- 30 August 2013 World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) HQ Conference Facilities Extended Abstract Deadline: February 15, 2013 For details: Click here...