Margaret Oliver Award

Margaret Oliver Award for Early-Career Pedometricians Call for Nominations, 2025 award

The Pedometrics Commission of the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) makes a biennial award intended to recognize up-and-coming talent in pedometrics. The award is named for Margaret Oliver, in recognition of her outstanding commitment to the promotion and encouragement of pedometricians in the early stages of their careers as well as her overall service to pedometrics.

The previous awad recipients are

2017: Dr Thomas G. Orton

2019: Dr Vera Leatitia (Titia) Mulder

2021: Dr Alexandre Wadoux

2023: Dr Yuxin Ma

Requirements and eligibility for the award of the Margaret Oliver award:

Nominees must have:

(1) received a PhD degree or equivalent no more than six years before the nomination deadline of 15 October 2025; that is, the degree must have been awarded after 15 October 2019

(a) a supporting letter, of up to 4 sides of A4, signed by the proposer(s), explaining why this nominee should be awarded the Margaret Oliver Award, with respect to the conditions outlined in the section “requirements and eligibility” above.  The date of award of the nominee’s degree of PhD or equivalent should be clearly stated.  Please note that nominations which do not include a separate signed nomination letter that addresses the criteria for the award will be returned.

(b) a curriculum vitae of no more than six pages that gives one or more the following, always showing clear relevance to pedometrics:

  1. Positions held and current activity
  2. Research undertaken, including (not limited to)
  3. Education of others
  4. Teaching courses developed
  5. Leadership and management of research projects
  6. Publications (journal, book, popular articles…)
  7. Service (broadly defined) to the pedometrics community, including (not limited to)
  8. Contribution to the Pedometrics Commission activities and Pedometron Newsletter
  9. Service in promoting pedometrics at the national level
  10. Organizing pedometrics sessions at conferences
  11. Any other service to the pedometics community

2) Nominations should be sent before 15-October-2025 to the Chairman of the Pedometrics award committee: Budiman Minasny at with the subject line “Oliver Award 2025”

3) The award committee will evaluate the nominations:

  • Budiman Minasny, The University of Sydney, Australia (Chairman)
  • Gerard Heuvelink, Wageningen University & Research and ISRIC – World Soil Information, the Netherlands
  • Murray Lark,  University of Nottingham, UK
  • Laura Poggio, ISRIC – World Soil Information, the Netherlands
  • Lydia Mumbi Chabala, The University of Zambia, Zambia

Evaluation of nominees is based on all criteria defined above considering the number of years after the PhD degree.