New journal: Soil Security

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Pedometricians – there is a new journal which is interested in your work!

Elsevier have just announced a new multidisicplinary journal – Soil Security

Soil security is the ability for soil to sustain functions to provide planetary services and human wellbeing.

The journal aims to publish papers covering all facets of this far-reaching definition.In particular, it will publish uni-disciplinary and multidisciplinary evidence-based research on all aspects of soil security. Disciplines may include natural, economic, social and political sciences.

The journal covers four thematic areas.

  1. Soil security dimensions which are soil capability (=soil quality, versatility etc.), condition (=soil health, conservation, regeneration, degradation and pollution), capital (production, natural, conservation), connectivity (= soil awareness, education, social licensing) and codification (=soil governance, policy, regulation, law).
  2. Soil functions which covers the range of functions which soil performs to sustain humanity and planetary system functioning. These are inter alia being a substrate to support plant growth, regulating water and nutrient cycling, being a store and filter for contaminants, being able to sequester carbon, and supporting a diversity of organisms.
  3. Global existential challenges and nexus. Links between soil and climate change, food security, water security, energy security, human health, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.
  4. The UN sustainable development goals including Zero Hunger, Good Health, Clean Water and Sanitation, Climate Change Policy, Life on Land. Other international instruments, e.g., UNCCD’s Land Degradation Neutrality, UNFAO’s Global Soil Partnership.

In any of the work, the focus should be on soil.

There are clearly strong links and synergies between soil security and pedometrics; e.g., quantification and mapping of soil capability, condition, functions, soil ecosystem services  etc.

If you have papers that fit the scope of the new journal submit them here

Papers accepted before the end of the year will be Open Access free of charge.

Alex.McBratney FAA DSc DScAgr | Director | Professor of Digital Agriculture & Soil Science | Sydney Institute of Agriculture

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