Pedometrics News, June 2015
News Update from Commission 1.5 of the International Union of Soil Science
Vote for Best Pedometrics Paper 2014
The Pedometrics Awards committee for the best paper award proudly presents 5 nominees for your reading pleasure and evaluation. Please send in your votes by 31 July 2015.
Please rank the papers in the “instant runoff” system: first choice, second choice… up till the last paper you are willing to vote for, i.e., the last paper that you think would deserve the award. Votes should then be sent to ( from a traceable e-mail address (to prevent over-voting). I will apply the “instant runoff” system[1] to determine the winner. A co-author may vote for her/his own paper(s).
The papers are listed here in order of DOI. (Papers published in Geoderma is Now OPEN ACCESS until end of July. )
1. Odgers, N. P., Sun, W., McBratney, A. B., Minasny, B., & Clifford, D. (2014). Disaggregating and harmonising soil map units through resampled classification trees. Geoderma, 214–215, 91–100. Open Access
2. Hughes, P. A., McBratney, A. B., Minasny, B., & Campbell, S. (2014). End members, end points and extragrades in numerical soil classification. Geoderma, 226–227, 365–375. Open Access
3. Poggio, L., & Gimona, A. (2014). National scale 3D modelling of soil organic carbon stocks with uncertainty propagation – An example from Scotland. Geoderma, 232, 284–299. Open Access
4. Brus, D. J. (2014). Statistical sampling approaches for soil monitoring. European Journal of Soil Science, 65(6), 779–791.
5. Lark, R. M., Rawlins, B. G., Robinson, D. A., Lebron, I., & Tye, A. M. (2014). Implications of short-range spatial variation of soil bulk density for adequate field-sampling protocols: methodology and results from two contrasting soils.European Journal of Soil Science, 65(6), 803–814.
What soil is it?
Soil is sometimes depicted in movies, most of the time not as the main character. North by Northwest (1959) is a movie by Alfred Hitchcock, and there is a famous scene where Cary Grant was chased by a crop duster in a corn (or maize) field. Can you identify the soil type (soil order or soil group)? Extra points if you can identify the soil series. Email your answer to me. The winner will receive a Soil book, courtesy of Springer. Winner is determined by first come first served basis.

Pedometrics 2015 – Register Now
Register now for Pedometrics 2015 in Cordoba, September 15th-18th, 2015. Early-bird Registration ends 30 June 2015.
Thanks for submitting your abstracts. Please register now to receive an early-bird registration fee. Speakers include:
- Gerard Heuvelink – Richard Webster Medal Winner 2014: The uncertain soil in an uncertain future
- Titia Mulder – Winner of Best Pedometrics Paper 2013: Pedometrics and large-extent digital soil mapping applications
- Phillippe Baveye – Kodak Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: How research on microscale processes and ecosystem services leads to a fundamental rethinking of soil measurements
- Achim Dobermann – Director of Rothamsted Research: Soil scientists should become champions for the post-2015 sustainable development agenda
- Jaime Gomez-Hernandez – Professor of Hydrogeology, Universitat Politècnica de València: Ensemble Kalman filters for data assimilation in soil science
- Jed Kaplan – Professor and Team Leader Atmosphere, Regolith, Vegetation at University of Lausanne: How can pedometrics improve the limited representation of soils in global earth system models?
- Cristine Morgan – Professor of Soil Science, Texas A&M University: Relevance of Pedometrics to Global Soil Security
- Richard Webster – Rothamsted Research: From Beckett to Krige: how Pedometrics took off
More info at: or
Sleeping Beauties
Sleeping beauty in a scientific publication is a paper that goes unnoticed for a long time, and suddenly attracts many citations. The term was proposed by Anthony van Raan in 2003. And last month the concept was rediscovered by a group in Indiana University and published in PNAS and made a lot of fuss in the media. The authors listed the top 15 Sleeping Beauties which is a bit unexpected, considering some of the papers are already well known. Soil scientists will quickly recognise the top sleeping beauty paper authored by Freundlich which was apparently awakened in 2002. There is also Langmuir, and Washburn (or the capillary rise equation). Pedometricians will recognise the most commonly used measure of linear correlation by Pearson (1901), which was apparently awakened in 2002 as well.
Do you know of any Sleeping beauty papers in Soil Science?
Pedometrics 2017

Pedometrics will be celebrating its Silver Jubilee in 2017. The first pedometrics conference was held in Wageningen in September 1992. Planning for Pedometrics 2017 is underway to celebrate 25th anniversary at its birthplace. Gerard Heuvelink will be organising the conference from 26 June to 2 July 2017 at Hof van Wageningen which is the same location used in 1992! This will also be a joint conference with four of its Working Groups:
1. Digital Soil Mapping
2. Proximal Soil Sensing
3. Soil Monitoring
4. Modelling of Soil and Landscape Evolution
Mark on your calendar now for this once in a lifetime important event!
Upcoming events
The 7th Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping will be held in Århus, Denmark, 27 June -1 July 2016. More info at
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