Issue 45 of Pedometron

The new issue of the pedometron is online here

Dear colleagues,

It has been a while since we have send you the Pedometron. Much has happened since the last one but now especially the COVID-19 is shaping our daily lives. I hope that you and your families are safe and not too much affected by Covid-19. The current circumstances demand flexibility, creativity and solidarity from us. Due to the severe travel restrictions, the majority of the 2020 conferences have been cancelled and consequently we miss opportunities to reconnect and collaborate in person. That is unfortunate but I hope that the Pedometron gives you a some support and helps us to remain connected in these difficult times.

In this issue we prepared for you the regular items to enjoy, including the Pedometrics Comic, Poetry and Pedomathemagica, ‘What’s new in R’ and several conference reports. An important contribution in this issue is the ‘Pedometricians Digital Mind—Mindfulness & Pedometrics’ written by Sabine Grunwald. Not only is this an interesting and creative read, it may actually help you to find some peace of mind in these stressful days.

Finally, I would like to welcome you all to join us at the online European General Assembly 2020. On 8 May, we have a full day of Pedometrics talks and everybody can join the sessions for free. I hope to connect with many of you that day.

That is all for now! Happy reading and be inspired!

Titia Mulder April, Wageningen, The Netherlands

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